Abstract template

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Your Title Here in Times New Roman Font That Is Bolded and 14 points

Speaker’s Name,1 Name of Second Author,2 Times New Roman,3 Font size 124, Corresponding author denoted by *.

  1. Department, Institution, Institution’s Full Address
  2. Department, Institution, Institution’s Full Address
  3. One affiliation per line, Times New Roman, Italic 12 point font, Center justified

*Corresponding author’s email address: replace@with.email.address

Format of presentation: ( ) Oral or ( ) Poster

Replace this paragraph with the text of your abstract. Use Times New Roman, Font size 12. The text of your abstract should be no longer than 300 words. Your entire abstract including the title, authors, author affiliations, abstract text, a figure (optional), and references (optional) should fit on a single page. If you include references, insert the number for each citation within square brackets at the end of the sentence before the period, like this [1]. You may insert up to one figure by replacing the generic figure below with your figure, and replacing the caption with your caption. If you do not include a figure, please delete the figure and caption below.

Figure 1. Figure caption for the optional figure should be written using italicized Times New Roman 11 point font. Please delete the figure and the entire caption if you do not have a figure.

[1] Provide your references in Times New Roman 11 point font. At a minimum, provide the title of the Journal, Publication year, volume, pages or article number or DOI.

[2] Delete this section if you do not have references.

[3] All abstract components must fit on a single page.